The Miracle Doctor
80 Episodes
Felix Hale, a medical genius, has faced relentless bullying and hardships since childhood. One day, he encounters a beautiful girl, Maya Scott, who is in a coma from severe injuries. As a doctor, he cannot ignore her condition and does everything in his power to save her, unaware that she is a wealthy heiress with an extraordinary background.
Felix Hale, a medical genius, has faced relentless bullying and hardships since childhood. One day, he encounters a beautiful girl, Maya Scott, who is in a coma from severe injuries. As a doctor, he cannot ignore her condition and does everything in his power to save her, unaware that she is a wealthy heiress with an extraordinary background.
Episode List
(80 Episodes)
- The Miracle Doctor Episode 1EP.1
- The Miracle Doctor Episode 2EP.2
- The Miracle Doctor Episode 3EP.3
- The Miracle Doctor Episode 4EP.4
- The Miracle Doctor Episode 5EP.5
- The Miracle Doctor Episode 6EP.6
- The Miracle Doctor Episode 7EP.7
- The Miracle Doctor Episode 8EP.8
- The Miracle Doctor Episode 9EP.9
- The Miracle Doctor Episode 10EP.10
- The Miracle Doctor Episode 11EP.11
- View More
Episode List
(80 Episodes)